28th FIPS-MOUCHE European


The international sport flyfishing federation FIPS Mouche has chosen POLAND throghout Polski Ziazek Wedkarski to host the 28th FIPs Mouche European Fly Fishing Championship 2024 in Lesko-Krosno region on legendary river San and water dam Myczkowce.
Dear Fellow Fly Fishermen!
We would like to cordially invite you the 28th European Fly Fishing Championship, a significant angling event to be held in Poland. It is with a great pleasure that we announce that FIPS-Mouche appointed the Polish Angling Association to organize the championship in 2024.
Again, after 19 years the European Championship will be held on one of Poland’s most beautiful rivers, river San, and Myczkowce reservoir.
The region where the championship will take place is famous for its magnificent landscapes, beautiful clean rivers and unspoiled nature.
Being competitors ourselves, we would like to host you not only as rivals in this noble, sports encounter, but also show you our region, the wonderful waters and the fish they hold.
We will do our best to make you enjoy your stay and feel comfortable in Poland. We do hope that you will like the country, and the pleasant memories will encourage you to visit the region again. Stay assured that you will always be our most welcome guests.
Once again we invite you to participate in the 28th European Fly Fishing Championship. We wish you a wonderful stay and memorable impressions.
May the best angler win!
Some say if you learn how to catch fish in River San you will catch fish anywhere. Very much true indeed! The venue of the 2024 European Fly Fishing Championship is an extremely diversified water – a habitat for great majority of Poland’s fish species. From rapid waters in the upper stretch, a home to native brown trout, to the still water reservoirs of Solina and Myczkowce packed with salmonids, predatory and coarse fish, and then, right below the monumental dam, over to the tailwater with slow currents rolling on the flat rocky bed, offering most spectacular of hatches, not to mention the trophy size grayling. You need to have every fly fishing method in your arsenal to be successful. To many San is a dream, an ultimate goal, a gift from Heavens, the Holy Grail. Yet, at times, it’s but a curse – that’s when fish challenge you, making you go down to size 20 dries, using smallest of nymphs on the lightest of tippets. An urge to adapt, to change approach, to brainstorm, and try again. There are times that this does not help for the fish decide to count up the legs in the hackle of your fly before they finally turn down the offering, and never rise again. You think you’ve tested every fly, tried every trick, reinvented yourself, and then realize that you have been fooled and failed in the end. OK, enough about me…
This event is about YOU, the greatest fly fishing experts from the most prominent of fly fishing nations, and the greatest competitors in Europe. To many of you this will be your very first visit, some of you have already been here, whereas others keep coming back every now and then. Each fisherman will have their chance to enjoy some wonderful fishing, and we, the organizing team will take every effort to make you feel like home, hoping that some day you will return with your families and friends not only to fish, but also to explore the wonders of our picturesque region.
Tight lines!
Adam Kubacki
International Organizer
Dear fellow anglers!
We cordially invite you to Poland for a fishing celebration which will undoubtedly be the 28th European Fly Fishing Championships, because in 2024 FIPS Mouche has entrusted the organization of the championships to the Polish Fishing Association.
After the world championships in 1985 and 2010, the European championships in 2005 and the world junior championships in 2018, the world fishing event will again be held on one of the most beautiful Polish rivers – the San and Lake Myczkowce. The region where the championship will be held is famous for its wonderful landscapes, beautiful and clean rivers and untouched nature.
As sports fishermen, we want to host you not only as rivals in a noble sports fight, but also to show you our region, wonderful waters and fish.
We would like you to feel good with us, that you like our country, and that pleasant experiences and memories encourage you to visit Poland and our region again. You will always be our pleasant guests.
Once again, we invite you to take part in the 28th European Fly Fishing Championships Lesko 2024.
We wish you a pleasant stay, many impressions and may the best win.
Organizing Committee
Stanisław Wróbel