Idaho falls, 12.-19.July 2025, USA


The International Sport Fly Fishing Federation FIPS Mouche has chosen USA throughout USAngling to host the 4th FIPS Mouche World LADIES Fly Fishing Championship 2025 in Idaho falls in USA, region of well known Snake river as well as many other marvelous fly fishing venues in this region.

President of USAngling
USAngling is delighted to host all participating nations at the 2025 Womens and Youth FIPS Mouche Fly Fishing World Championships. We invite you to come fisht the legendary waters of the Idaho Falls region. The event will be a showcase of angling skill, global fellowship and love of the sport. This special event brings together the best anglers from around the world, and we are thrilled to offer you the opportunity to compete in this exceptional competition.
We look forward to your participation and to celebrating the art of fly fishing together.
Tight lines and best regards

International organizer
As the international organizer for the 2025 Womens and Youth FIPS Mouche Fly Fishing World Championships it is my pleasure to invite you to join us as we compete in the shadows of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. This region is considered to be the Golden Triangle of Fly Fishing as we fish waters in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. I look forward to welcoming you to the region where you will find a thousand km of fly fishing opportunities within hours of our host city. We hope that you come early and stay late to take in the natural wonders of the region.